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cognoscente someone who has exceptional knowledge in a given area, esp. of fashion, literature, or the fine arts; connoisseur.
conjecture to guess or infer without complete evidence or knowledge of the facts. [1/4 definitions]
connivance in law, encouragement, knowledge, or consent of a wrongdoing by another. [1/2 definitions]
consciousness-raising in group therapy, a process of increasing one's self-knowledge so as to better achieve one's potential. [1/2 definitions]
dilettante superficial in knowledge or skill; amateurish. [1/2 definitions]
disavow to deny any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with; disclaim. [2/3 definitions]
disclaim to deny (as any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with). [1/4 definitions]
discover to learn or gain knowledge of through study or observation. [1/3 definitions]
divine to use omens or supernatural means to prophesy or reveal hidden knowledge. [1/12 definitions]
domain an area or sphere of knowledge, interest, or activity. [1/5 definitions]
drill1 to instruct others in (a body of knowledge or skill) by means of a disciplined or repetitive procedure. [1/13 definitions]
educate to provide knowledge, training, and guidance to. [1/4 definitions]
educated marked by qualities that indicate knowledge, training, and culture. [1/3 definitions]
education the knowledge acquired through a learning process. [1/4 definitions]
empiric one who believes that practical experience is the only test of the validity of knowledge.
empiricism the philosophy, doctrine, or belief that all knowledge is based on experience, esp. of the senses. [1/3 definitions]
empty lacking in intelligence, knowledge, or creative thought; vacuous. [1/10 definitions]
engineering the profession, art, or study of applying scientific and mathematical knowledge to practical ends, such as the design and building of structures, engines, electrical equipment, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
enlighten to provide with previously lacking insight, information, or knowledge.
enlightened having been awakened to knowledge or truth. [1/2 definitions]
epistemic of, connected with, or involving knowledge or the process of acquiring knowledge. [1/2 definitions]