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contra dance a folk dance, similar to the quadrille, in which dancers often form lines and face each other. [1/2 definitions]
countenance the human face or its features. [1/4 definitions]
coward a person who lacks the courage to face danger, pain, or difficulty; a person easily discouraged or intimidated by fear. [1/2 definitions]
cowardice lack of bravery or resolve in the face of danger, pain, or other difficulties.
craggy like a crag or crags, especially having protruding bones and a rough-hewn appearance, as a human face. [1/2 definitions]
craniofacial of, pertaining to, or involving the cranium and face.
crawl a swimming stroke in which the body is prone with the face down, the feet do a flutter kick, and the arms alternate in overhead strokes. [1/7 definitions]
crystal the clear covering of a watch face. [1/7 definitions]
cutwater the upstream face of a bridge pier, designed to resist moving water or ice. [1/2 definitions]
dauntless unwavering in the face of fear or obstacles. [1/2 definitions]
death mask a cast of a corpse's face.
deuce1 in games and sports, a two, esp. a playing card or face of a die with a value of two. [1/2 definitions]
dial the face of a clock or watch. [1/8 definitions]
direction the way in which one may face or travel. [1/7 definitions]
do one's makeup to apply makeup, usually to the face.
double indemnity a provision in a life or accident insurance policy that twice the face value of the contract will be paid in the event of accidental death.
doublet (pl.) a throw of two dice in which the upper face of each has the same number of dots. [1/4 definitions]
Down's syndrome a congenital condition caused by an abnormal number of chromosomes which results in mental retardation and produces distinctive physical characteristics such as a broad face, flattened head, and slanted eyes.
drawn of the face, pale, weakened, or exhausted in appearance. [1/2 definitions]
exposure opportunities to experience or come face to face with new things, ideas, or people. [1/7 definitions]
expression a quality, as of a person's face, that has the capacity to make feelings known. [1/5 definitions]