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crowd to gather together in a crowd. [2/9 definitions]
dance a social event at which people gather to dance. [1/9 definitions]
dredge1 to gather or remove using a dredge. [1/7 definitions]
flock1 to gather or travel in a crowd, group, or flock. [1/4 definitions]
forgather to gather together; convene. [1/3 definitions]
gang1 to gather or form into a gang. [1/3 definitions]
gathering gathers or a gather in cloth. [1/4 definitions]
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time. [4 definitions]
gregarious tending to gather in groups, packs, flocks, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
harvest to gather (ripe crops); pick or reap. [5/11 definitions]
herd to gather or associate as a herd. [2/8 definitions]
heronry a place where herons gather, esp. to breed.
huddle to gather in a small, close group. [2/8 definitions]
Landsat any of several U.S. satellites that gather and transmit data about the earth (acronym for "land satellite").
legman anyone whose job is to run errands or gather information.
lump to gather into or consider as a single whole (often fol. by "together"). [1/7 definitions]
marshal to gather, assemble, or enlist. [1/8 definitions]
mission an individual or a team of people whose goal is to explore and gather information about a new territory or part of outer space, or a particular instance of travel and exploration by such people. [1/7 definitions]
muster to gather up or call forth (often fol. by "up"). [2/5 definitions]
nut to search for or gather nuts. [1/6 definitions]
pack rat a large, bushy-tailed, North American rodent known to gather and hide small objects in its nest. [1/2 definitions]