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disregard to refuse to notice or respond to; ignore. [1/3 definitions]
efface to withdraw (oneself) from others' notice. [1/3 definitions]
emergent coming into notice. [1/4 definitions]
escape to elude (recollection or notice). [1/11 definitions]
forerunner something that signals or gives notice of what is to come; omen; harbinger. [1/2 definitions]
garnishee to give notice of garnisheeing to; garnish. [1/3 definitions]
garnishment a legal notice directing someone not to dispose of a defendant's money or property until the court case involving the defendant is completed. [1/2 definitions]
heed to give one's attention to; take notice of. [2/3 definitions]
hoopla exaggerated public notice. [1/2 definitions]
ignore to refuse to recognize or fail to take notice of; pay no attention to; disregard.
in one ear and out the other heard, but with little or no notice paid.
introduce to bring to one's notice or into one's experience. [2/6 definitions]
man about town a man whose worldly social life and knowledge of fashionable places keep him in public notice.
mind to take notice; heed carefully. [1/13 definitions]
minuteman an American militiaman of the Revolutionary War period who was ready to fight on a moment's notice.
monition a legal or official notice or summons. [1/2 definitions]
monitory a letter containing a monition; legal notice. [1/2 definitions]
n.b. abbreviation of "nota bene" (Latin); mark well; take notice.
necrology a death notice; obituary. [1/2 definitions]
notable receiving or deserving notice; exceptional; striking. [1/3 definitions]
noteworthy deserving notice; remarkable; notable.