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domain a group of networked computers and devices organized as a unit under a shared Internet address. [1/5 definitions]
domain name a communications identifier and address made up of a series of numbers or letters, shared by all devices in a domain.
email address a unique identifying label that allows internet messages to be received in one's electronic mail account. The "@" symbol is a part of every email address
forward to send (mail) on, esp. to the addressee's new address. [1/13 definitions]
Frau (German) a woman, esp. a married woman (used as a form of address).
Fräulein (German) a young woman, esp. an unmarried woman (used as a form of address).
greet to meet or address with friendly or respectful words. [1/3 definitions]
harangue to address at length and with vehemence; deliver a tirade to. [2/4 definitions]
heckler one who disrupts a performance or public address with annoying remarks or questions.
honey (informal) sweet one; sweetheart; dear (used as an affectionate term of address). [1/6 definitions]
inaugural a speech or address given at an inauguration. [1/4 definitions]
Internet protocol address a unique numeric address assigned to an individual computer or other device in a network, used to route data to a destination; IP address.
keynote to deliver the main address at. [1/3 definitions]
keynote speech an opening speech, as at a political convention, that outlines the main policies and issues under consideration; keynote address.
lad (informal) a familiar or affectionate term or form of address for a man. [1/2 definitions]
letterhead an inscription printed on stationery, usu. containing a name and address. [1/2 definitions]
look up to go to visit (someone) after making sure of their address. [1/3 definitions]
M. abbreviation of "Monsieur," the French title of respect and term of address for a man, corresponding to "Mister" or "Sir".
majesty (cap.) the form of reference or address for such a personage. [1/5 definitions]
make out to complete or address (a form), esp. a banking document. [1/6 definitions]
man (slang) used as an informal form of address to a male person, usu. used between men. [1/9 definitions]