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do somebody good to have a beneficial effect on someone.
double-edged having an effect or meaning in two, often opposite, directions. [1/2 definitions]
drawn work ornamentation of fabric produced by drawing out threads and creating a lacy effect.
effect (pl.) sounds or visual images that are used to produce an effect on a listener or spectator, especially those used in film, television, sound recording, and the like to create visual or auditory illusions or elicit a heightened experience. [1/8 definitions]
effectuate to cause to happen; put into effect.
efficient bringing about an effect. [1/2 definitions]
endorphin one of several peptides secreted in the brain that have a tranquilizing, euphoric, or pain-relieving effect on the body.
environment the sum of things, circumstances, and conditions that surround one and may have an effect on one; surroundings. [1/3 definitions]
execute in law, to put into effect the terms of (a will). [1/4 definitions]
execution the process of putting into effect. [2/4 definitions]
executive having or pertaining to the authority to put plans or decisions into effect. [1/5 definitions]
exercise an act of putting into effect; use. [2/10 definitions]
ex post facto done afterward, esp. with a retroactive effect, as the making of a law.
far-reaching having a wide or extensive effect or range.
figure of speech an expression, such as a metaphor, hyperbole, or simile, that uses words in a nonliteral, unusual, or intensive manner to produce a certain effect; trope.
fix up to act so as to effect a romantic relationship between (two people). [1/4 definitions]
fruitage a product, effect, or result; consequence. [1/3 definitions]
fulfill to effect or bring to realization or completion. [1/4 definitions]
gastrointestinal of, concerning, or having an effect on the stomach and intestines.
gesture any action intended for its effect or value as nonverbal communication. [1/4 definitions]
glissando the rapid slide or sliding effect of a glissando. [1/3 definitions]