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equation in mathematics, a statement using an equal sign to assert the equality of two quantities or expressions. [1/4 definitions]
exponent in mathematics, a symbol placed to the right of and above another, to denote the power to which the other is to be raised. [1/3 definitions]
exponential in mathematics, of or concerning an exponent, or having a variable in one or more exponents. [1/2 definitions]
extract in mathematics, to calculate (the root of a number). [1/9 definitions]
fact family in mathematics education, a group of equations in which each equation can be rearranged to produce another equation the family.
factor in mathematics, one of two or more quantities that produce a given quantity when they are multiplied together; multiplicand. [2/4 definitions]
fractal in mathematics and physics, a very irregular line or surface that is formed of an endless number of irregular sections so that its dimensions or other physical properties are always only approximations based on the system of measuring that is used.
golden section in mathematics and the fine arts, a relationship between two dimensions of a plane figure, or two segments of a line, such that the ratio of the smaller to the larger is the same as that of the larger to the sum of the two, or about .62 to 1.00.
graph in mathematics, a representation of a number or group of numbers as a point or points on a line or plane. [1/5 definitions]
greater than in mathematics, being a quantity larger than the quantity that follows.
greater than or equal to in mathematics, being a quantity equal to or larger than the quantity that follows.
greater than or equal to sign in mathematics, a symbol (≥) indicting that the value before the sign is equal to or greater than the value after the sign.
greater than sign in mathematics, a symbol (>) indicting that the value before the sign is larger than the value after the sign.
hundreds place in mathematics, the place three to the left of the decimal point of a number.
hyperbolic in mathematics, of, pertaining to, or derived from a hyperbola. [1/2 definitions]
infinite in mathematics, incapable of being completely counted or measured; not finite. [1/3 definitions]
infinity in mathematics, the assumed limit of a limitless sequence or series. [1/5 definitions]
integral calculus the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of integrals and their use in solving differential equations and determining areas, volumes, and equations of curves.
intercept in mathematics, to include, as between two lines, points, or surfaces; intersect. [2/5 definitions]
inverse in mathematics, designating a value that increases or decreases in direct and opposite proportion to the change in another value. [1/3 definitions]
irrational in mathematics, not capable of being expressed as a whole number or as a ratio of two whole numbers. [1/3 definitions]