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fire door an interior door of heat-resistant material that is designed to contain the spread of a fire in a building.
full1 unable to hold or contain any more. [1/8 definitions]
have to contain or include. [1/15 definitions]
herbal tea a beverage or health tonic made from steeping dried herbs in boiling water and served in a similar manner to tea made with tea leaves. Herbal tea may also be made with added dried fruit and spice and generally does not contain caffeine.
hold1 to have or contain within one's hand or hands. [2/18 definitions]
hydrocarbon any of various organic compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon, such as methane or ethylene.
include to contain, as a whole contains its parts. [1/3 definitions]
levee1 an embankment built to channel and contain river water against flooding. [1/4 definitions]
lymph node any of the glandlike masses of tissue located along the lymphatic vessels which contain follicles that produce lymphocytes; lymph gland.
Mendel's laws the basic principles of heredity discovered by Mendel, showing that certain characteristics are inherited separately as units, that cells contain pairs of such unit characters, and that in every individual there is a pair, one from each parent, of determining factors for each unit character.
-on3 a chemical compound that does not contain oxygen in a carbonyl group.
organic of or pertaining to compounds that contain carbon. (Cf. inorganic.) [1/6 definitions]
organizer any of various types of items, often made of plastic and used in schools or offices, that contain compartments designed for organizing objects or papers. [1/3 definitions]
permanent marker a pen or marker containing ink that may adhere to all surfaces, be water-resistant, contain durable dyes or pigments, or possess some combination of these attributes.
phosphate rock sedimentary rocks that contain large amounts of calcium phosphate, used in making fertilizer, phosphorous chemicals, and the like.
phylactery one of two small leather boxes worn strapped on the left arm and forehead by religious Jewish men during regular morning worship, that contain pieces of parchment bearing passages from Scripture. [1/2 definitions]
pitcher1 a vessel, usu. with a handle and spout, used to contain and pour liquids, esp. for drinking. [1/2 definitions]
pitcher plant any of various plants bearing slippery, pitcherlike leaves that contain enzymes to digest trapped insects.
pneumoencephalogram an x-ray of the spaces in the brain that contain fluid, after the replacement of the cerebrospinal fluid by air or gas.
pocketful the amount that a pocket will contain.
potful the greatest amount that a pot can contain. [1/2 definitions]