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goby any of numerous marine and freshwater fishes with united pelvic fins that form a sucking disk.
gong a large metallic disk that makes a deep resonant sound when struck with a stick or mallet. [1/2 definitions]
gyroscope a device with a rotating wheel or disk, mounted on an axis that can turn freely in various or all directions, so that the wheel or disk can maintain a stable orientation in space despite any movement in its supports or surrounding parts.
half-moon the moon in the first or last quarter, when half its disk is illuminated. [1/2 definitions]
hard disk a rigid, magnetized disk built into a computer that is capable of storing a large amount of data.
hard drive a device usu. inside a computer that copies data to and from a computer's hard disk; hard disk drive.
laser disk see "optical disk."
lotto a game of chance, similar to bingo, in which a leader draws a numbered disk and the players cover the corresponding numbers on their boards, continuing until someone has covered five numbers in a row. [1/2 definitions]
meniscus a disk of cartilage cushioning the ends of two bones that connect in a joint, esp. in the knee. [1/3 definitions]
ocean sunfish any of a family of bony marine fishes, esp. a large, slow-moving, tropical species with a flattened body resembling an upright disk.
optical disk a disk on which material such as information, pictures, or music is stored in the form of tiny depressions and from which it is retrieved or played by means of a laser scanner. [1/2 definitions]
peripheral an auxiliary device, such as a disk, printer, scanner, or the like, that is used with a computer to increase its functional range or efficiency. [1/3 definitions]
phonograph a machine that reproduces sound that has been recorded on a grooved disk; record player.
platelet any of numerous small disk-shaped bodies found in the blood of vertebrates and associated with clotting.
potter's wheel a device consisting of a horizontal disk made to rotate by foot or motor power, that enables a potter to create cylindrical or rounded shapes in clay.
puck in ice hockey, the hard rubber disk that players try to hit into the net for goals.
Ra2 in Egyptian mythology, the supreme god and sun god, depicted with a head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk.
record a disk, usu. made of vinyl, upon which sounds are recorded for reproduction. [1/15 definitions]
red blood cell a disk-shaped cell, usu. lacking a nucleus, that carries oxygen to the body's tissues; erythrocyte.
remora any of several ocean fishes with a suction disk on top of the head that allows it to attach to sharks, other sea animals, and ships.
rondel something round or circular, such as a disk of gold or silver used in jewelry, or a piece of stained glass. [1/2 definitions]