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functionality capability, esp. the specific operations that a software program, computer, or other electronic device is able to carry out.
go in of a military or police unit, to enter a place in order to carry out some action. [1/4 definitions]
go through to experience or carry out the usual steps of (a program, process, procedure, or routine). [1/7 definitions]
ground troops soldiers sent to carry out combat or security duties on land, carrying personal weapons.
hatchet man a person assigned to carry out a disagreeable or unscrupulous task for a superior. [1/3 definitions]
implement to carry out or put into effect. [1/4 definitions]
Jonah according to the Old Testament, a minor Hebrew prophet who disobeyed God and was punished by being swallowed by a great fish, or whale, until he agreed to carry out God's order. [1/2 definitions]
liquidate to begin or carry out the procedure of liquidating a business, or of converting assets to cash. [1/5 definitions]
make good to carry out successfully or as promised. [1/2 definitions]
mandamus a formal order from a higher court to a public official or lower court to carry out a specified action.
maneuver to carry out a military maneuver or series of maneuvers. [1/8 definitions]
module a self-contained section of a spacecraft, designed to carry out a specific task. [1/4 definitions]
obey to follow or carry out the command, instruction, or wishes of (someone). [1/4 definitions]
occasion a particular moment that may be favorable or appropriate to carry out some action; juncture. [1/5 definitions]
outfit a group of people organized to carry out a particular activity, esp. of a military or business nature. [1/5 definitions]
perform to carry out; do; fulfill. [2/4 definitions]
perpetrate to commit or carry out (a crime, act of mischief, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
phase to arrange or carry out in distinct and ordered stages. [1/4 definitions]
play a trick to carry out a plan that deceives or makes a fool of someone and gives amusement to oneself or others (usu. fol. by "on").
play one's cards to make and carry out the most advantageous choice.
pontificate to carry out the duties of a pontiff. [1/3 definitions]