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gallimaufry a jumbled mixture; hodgepodge.
gas a flammable gas or mixture of gases, esp. when used for heating, cooking, or lighting. [1/14 definitions]
gasohol a mixture of gasoline with a small amount of ethyl alcohol, used esp. to power cars.
gel a non-separating chemical mixture that resembles jelly. (See colloid.) [1/3 definitions]
gorp a mixture of raisins, nuts, dry cereal, and the like eaten as a high-energy snack; trail mix.
gouache a technique of painting by using a mixture of opaque watercolors and a gum preparation. [1/3 definitions]
goulash any mixture of diverse elements. [1/2 definitions]
granola a dry, often baked mixture of grains, raisins, nuts, honey, and the like, eaten as a snack or breakfast cereal.
gravel a loose mixture of small stones, pebbles, and sometimes sand. [1/4 definitions]
grease paint theatrical makeup that is a mixture of grease and a pigment, used by clowns, stage actors, and the like.
grog any alcoholic drink, esp. a mixture of rum with water.
gum resin a mixture of gum and resin that exudes from certain trees and plants.
half-and-half a mixture of two things in equal portions, esp. milk and cream. [1/3 definitions]
hard sauce a sweet, creamy mixture of butter, confectioner's sugar, and rum or brandy that is often served over plum puddings, steamed cakes, and the like.
hodgepodge a confused, disorderly mixture or mess of diverse things; jumble.
ingredient one of the substances or elements in a mixture. [1/2 definitions]
internal-combustion engine an engine, esp. an automobile engine, that is powered by the heat and pressure produced by the burning of a mixture of fuel and air in a cylinder or cylinders.
kinnikinick a mixture of dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco, formerly smoked by American Indians and pioneers.
malted milk a powdered mixture consisting mostly of dried milk and malted cereals, or a beverage made of this.
manicotti a dish of Italian origin that uses pasta usu. stuffed with a cheese mixture, topped with a tomato sauce, and baked.
mash a mixture of grain, meal, or the like in hot water, to be fed to farm animals. [2/5 definitions]