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Dictionary Suite
brainstorm to engage in a method of problem-solving or idea-gathering in which members of a group freely and spontaneously offer their thoughts and suggestions. [1/6 definitions]
brown recluse spider a highly poisonous, medium-sized brown spider that has a dark, violin-shaped mark on its body.
case1 a thing requiring attention or problem-solving, or a person with problems. [1/9 definitions]
CD1 abbreviation of "compact disk," a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device; optical disk.
chow2 a stocky, medium-sized dog of Chinese origin that has a thick red or black coat, a blackish tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
chrysolite a usu. magnesium-rich form of olivine, used as a gemstone.
cisplatin a platinum-containing chemotherapy drug used esp. in the treatment of ovarian, testicular, and bladder cancer.
compact disk a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device.
cottage cheese a soft white mild-flavored cheese made of slightly soured skim-milk curds.
crappie either of two medium-sized members of the sunfish family, found in streams and lakes in the central and eastern United States.
cream cream-colored; yellowish white. [1/14 definitions]
cruiser a medium-sized, fast warship with a great range. [1/4 definitions]
custom-built built specially for particular individuals; custom-made.
drum kit a set of percussion instruments arranged for convenient playing by a drummer in a band, the basic set of which usu. includes a bass drum, a tom-tom, a snare drum, a high-hat, and a crash cymbal, also called a drum set.
English setter a breed of medium-sized bird dog with long white silky hair mottled with black or brown markings.
Eskimo dog any of several medium-sized strong dogs with a thick coat and a wolflike appearance, used in arctic regions for pulling sleds; husky.
flea any of an order of tiny wingless insects that move by jumping, and feed by sucking the blood of warm-blooded animals. [1/2 definitions]
foxhound any one of several breeds of medium-sized short-haired hounds often trained to hunt foxes.
frigate a fast, medium-sized, armed sailing vessel used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. [1/2 definitions]
fritillary any of a number of medium-sized butterflies with brownish wings that are spotted on the undersides with black and silver. [1/2 definitions]
Garand rifle a semiautomatic, clip-fed rifle, which was standard issue of the U.S. Army in World War II and the Korean War; M-1.