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gobo a dark screen used to reduce the amount of light that reaches a motion picture or television camera lens. [1/2 definitions]
iPhone trademark for a type of mobile telephone that includes an internet browser, camera, and music player.
lens a complex of such pieces, as in a camera or telescope. [1/3 definitions]
long shot in photography, films, or television, a camera shot taken at considerable distance from the subject. (Cf. close-up.) [1/3 definitions]
Minicam trademark for a portable television camera.
photoflash a glass bulb attached to a camera that flashes brilliantly for a moment when triggered electrically, to illuminate the subject being photographed; flash bulb.
photograph a picture made by using a camera that records an image on a light-sensitive surface. [1/4 definitions]
Photostat trademark for a camera device used to make picturelike copies of printed matter. [1/3 definitions]
Polaroid trademark for a camera that produces a developed photograph moments after it is taken. [1/2 definitions]
port3 an opening through which a gun or camera can be aimed and operated. [1/3 definitions]
range finder any of various instruments used to determine the distance from the observer to a particular object or mark, as to sight a gun or focus a camera.
reflex camera a camera fitted with a mirror behind the lens which reflects the image onto a ground glass plate to achieve an exact focus.
shoulder strap a strap that is worn on the shoulder, as to support a garment or carry a purse or camera. [1/2 definitions]
shutter a device that opens and closes the lens of a camera. [1/4 definitions]
snap a casual photograph taken with an ordinary camera; snapshot. [1/21 definitions]
snapshot a photograph taken with a small ordinary camera.
stop the lens opening of a camera. [1/18 definitions]
subminiature an extremely small still camera that takes photographs on sixteen-millimeter or similar film. [1/3 definitions]
talking head a television or film image of a person talking directly to the camera.
thermograph a thermometer containing an infrared camera that automatically records the temperature it measures.
thermography the use of an infrared camera to measure temperature variations within an object or body part. [1/2 definitions]