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gust an abrupt or sudden burst of anything, such as smoke, rain, or emotional response. [1/3 definitions]
jerky1 characterized by sudden starts and stops or other abrupt movements.
kickback an abrupt, usu. backward motion of a machine or tool that has struck something forcefully. [1/2 definitions]
leap a quick or abrupt transition, change, or movement. [1/6 definitions]
lunge an abrupt thrusting or leaping motion toward something. [2/3 definitions]
plump2 an abrupt or weighty fall. [1/8 definitions]
qualm an abrupt and unexpected faint, nauseated, or sick feeling. [1/2 definitions]
quantum jump any abrupt change or advance in a program, policy, or the like; quantum leap. [1/2 definitions]
rebuff an abrupt rejection or refusal to an advance or other social overture; snub. [1/3 definitions]
reflective characterized by or tending to meditation, esp. in contrast to abrupt action; thoughtful. [1/3 definitions]
revulsion an abrupt change or reversal of taste or sentiment. [1/2 definitions]
saltatory moving by sudden leaps or abrupt transitions. [1/2 definitions]
scarp a steep cliff formed by erosion or an abrupt movement of the earth's crust. [1/3 definitions]
scoot to move in an abrupt hunching manner. [1/4 definitions]
short rude; curt; abrupt. [1/16 definitions]
smooth free of bumps, jolts, or other abrupt movements. [1/14 definitions]
snap to cause to move in a sudden, abrupt way. [1/21 definitions]
snuff2 to bring to an abrupt end; destroy; kill (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]
sound barrier a hypothetical barrier to aircraft as they approach the speed of sound, suggested by the abrupt increase in aerodynamic drag near that velocity; sonic barrier.
staccato composed of abrupt, distinct notes, sounds, or parts, as a musical passage or a burst of gunfire. [2/6 definitions]
strike to collide or make abrupt contact with. [2/31 definitions]