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Dictionary Suite
mirabelle a small, sweet, deep-yellow fruit that resembles a plum. [1/3 definitions]
normal school formerly, a two-year school that trained high school graduates to be elementary school teachers.
quadrennial of or happening over a four-year period. [1/3 definitions]
quinquennial a five-year period. [1/5 definitions]
red oak any of several North American oaks that have dark bark, leaves with pointed tips, and a two-year maturation for their acorns. [1/2 definitions]
reserve clause a condition in some professional sports contracts that provides for a one-year extension at the team owner's option.
solar cycle an eleven-year cycle of recurring sunspots and other solar phenomena.
sophomore a second-year student at a high school or college. [1/2 definitions]
The Iliad an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer that narrates the ten-year siege of Troy by the Greeks.
Trojan War in Greek mythology and The Iliad, the ten-year siege of Troy by the Greeks, caused by the abduction of Helen, the wife of a Greek king, by Paris, a Trojan prince.
World War I a major four-year war fought primarily in Europe between the Allies, including France, Great Britain, and the United States, and the Central Powers, including Germany and Austria-Hungary, that ended in 1918 with the collapse of the Central Powers; Great War.
WWI abbreviation of "World War I," a major four-year war fought primarily in Europe between the Allies, including France, Great Britain, and the United States, and the Central Powers, including Germany and Austria-Hungary, that ended in 1918 with the collapse of the Central Powers; the Great War.