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Dictionary Suite
nonauthor combined form of author.
omnibus a book that is a collection of short works by the same author or on a single theme. [1/3 definitions]
Paul an early convert to Christianity, the apostle of the Gentiles, and the author of the Acts of the Apostles and several of the Epistles in the New Testament.
Pauli Murray American civil rights and women's rights activist, lawyer, author, and Episcopal priest (b.1910--d.1985).
penman a writer or author. [1/3 definitions]
pen name a name used by an author in place of his or her real name; pseudonym; nom de plume.
preface an introduction to a book or other written text that gives information esp. about the author or work. [1/5 definitions]
pseud. abbreviation of "pseudonym," a false name adopted by someone, esp. an author, to conceal his or her identity; pen name.
pseudonym a false name adopted by someone, esp. an author, to conceal his or her identity; pen name.
remains unpublished writings left by an author at his death; literary remains. [1/4 definitions]
royalty a percentage of proceeds paid to the owner of productive real property, such land for mining or oil drilling, or to the author of a book, musical composition, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
Samuel Johnson an English author, lexicographer, and critic (b.1709--d.1784).
Samuel Langhorne Clemens U.S. author and humorist who wrote under the pen name Mark Twain (b.1835--d.1910).
set a group of works, usu. by one author and sold as a unit. [1/25 definitions]
Talmudist an author or compiler of some portion of the Talmud. [1/2 definitions]
trilogy a group of three literary or musical works by one author or composer that are related in sequence, theme, or the like.
Václav Havel Czech author, playwright, and politician, who was the last President of Czechoslovakia and the first President of the Czech Republic (b.1936).
vanity press a publisher that publishes books for which the author pays the costs; vanity publisher.
Voltaire a French author and philosopher; François Marie Arouet (1694-1778).
William Beebe U.S. naturalist, explorer, and author, who in 1934 made a record oceanic descent of 3,028 feet (923 meters) in a bathysphere (b.1877--d.1962).
willow-wild (poetic) frail and thin, as coined by the poet and author Langston Hughes.