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Multi-word Results
Deep South the southeastern U.S. region, esp. Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, considered most typically Southern.
Solid South formerly, in the United States, the southern states traditionally regarded as solidly supporting the Democratic Party.
South Africa a country in the southernmost part of Africa on the Atlantic and Indian Oceans; Union of South Africa.
South African of or pertaining to South Africa or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
South African Dutch the descendants of the Dutch colonists in South Africa; Boers. [2 definitions]
South America a continent in the southern part of the Western Hemisphere, between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
South American of or having to do with South America, or its people or languages. [2 definitions]
South Carolina a southeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast, between North Carolina and Georgia. (abbr.: SC)
South China Sea an extension of the Pacific Ocean between Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and China.
South Dakota a midwestern U.S. state between North Dakota and Nebraska. (abbr.: SD)
South Korea a country on the eastern coast of Asia, south of North Korea; Republic of Korea.
South Pole the point on the earth's surface that is intersected by the southern end of the earth's rotational axis. [4 definitions]
South Sea Islands the islands in the South Pacific, collectively. (Cf. Oceania.)
South Seas the South Pacific. [2 definitions]
South Sudan a country in east-central Africa, formerly part of Sudan.
South Vietnam a former Southeast Asian country that occupied the southern part of Vietnam and was absorbed in the reunified Vietnam in 1975.
south-southeast a point on the compass halfway between south and southeast. [2 definitions]
south-southwest a point on the compass halfway between south and southwest. [2 definitions]
South-West Africa see "Namibia."
Union of South Africa see "South Africa."