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Multi-word Results
à la king diced and cooked in a cream sauce with green peppers, pimentos, and mushrooms.
king cobra the largest of poisonous snakes, found in southeastern Asia; hamadryad.
king crab a large crab of North Pacific waters that is valued for its edible flesh; Alaskan king crab. [2 definitions]
King James Version the English version of the Bible published in 1611 under the authorization of King James I; Authorized Version.
King Lear the title character and protagonist of a tragedy by William Shakespeare.
king post in carpentry, a supporting vertical post between the apex of a triangular truss and the horizontal tie beam. (Cf. queen post.)
king salmon see "chinook salmon."
king-size larger than the usual size. [2 definitions]
kingsnake any of several nonvenomous snakes of the New World that have yellow or red markings and feed mainly on rodents.
Martin Luther King Day a holiday observed in honor of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., an important black leader of the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Day is the third Monday of January.
Martin Luther King, Jr. U.S. clergyman and civil rights leader (b.1929--d.1968).
sea king any of the Viking pirate chiefs of medieval times.