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bach it to take care of the house oneself.
beat it (informal) to leave a place quickly and abruptly.
buy it (slang) to die.
call it a day to finish working.
call it quits to stop an activity for the time being. [2 definitions]
chance it (informal) to take the risk of some bad thing happening.
cool it (slang) to calm down.
cut it out (informal) to stop some behavior that is annoying or hurting another person.
dish it out to give out criticism or harsh treatment in a heartless manner.
do-it-yourself for use by people without particular skills in building or repair.
duke it out to fight with fists until one person wins or a matter is settled.
far be it from me I would not dare or venture.
fix-it (informal) of or pertaining to the repairing of things.
foot it to go somewhere by walking.
have it in for to be hoping or waiting for an opportunity to find fault with or cause injury to (someone).
have it out with to finally have an argument or fight with someone that one has been considering having for some time.
hightail it (informal) to move or leave hurriedly.
hoof it (informal) to walk quickly to reach a destination.
hotfoot it to move away with haste on foot, usually to avoid trouble or danger.
it depends used to say that you cannot decide until you have more information.