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Multi-word Results
four flush in stud poker, a hand containing four visible cards of one suit.
four-flush in stud poker, to bluff that one has a true flush of five cards on the basis of holding four visible cards of the same suit. [2 definitions]
four-flusher (informal) one without the means to deliver on a promise; one whose position is weak, but who nonetheless presents it as strong; bluffer.
four-footed having or walking on four feet; quadruped.
four-four time a musical meter having four quarter notes or their equivalent in each measure.
Four-H club an organization in the U.S. that teaches young people about farming and how to take care of a home. Four-H clubs are so named because they are meant to improve the heads, hearts, hands, and health of their members.
four-handed having four hands; quadrumanous. [3 definitions]
four-in-hand a necktie knotted in a slipknot, with the ends dangling and overlapping in front. [3 definitions]
four-leaf clover a clover with four leaflets, regarded as a sign of good luck.
four-letter word any of several short English words that are considered offensive or obscene.
four-o'clock any of several common flowering garden plants that bear tubular varicolored blooms that open late in the day.
four-star describing a general or admiral whose insignia carries four stars. [2 definitions]
four-way giving access or passage in four directions. [2 definitions]
four-wheel drive a car that drives by means of all four wheels rather than the rear wheels only, or the drive system of such, in which both front and rear wheel axles are turned by the drive shaft.
petit four a small fancy teacake, usu. cut from spongecake, that is frosted on three sides and often decorated.
three-four time see "three-quarter time."
two-by-four measuring two units thick by four units wide, or approximately so, esp. in inches. [4 definitions]
two-four time a musical meter with two quarter notes or their equivalent in each measure.