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Attic salt (often l.c.) sharp wit, skillfully phrased; Attic wit.
celery salt a seasoning that consists of ground celery seed and salt.
iodized salt ordinary table salt combined with a small amount of sodium or potassium iodide.
pepper-and-salt composed of or speckled with a mixture of black and white.
Rochelle salt a colorless, saltlike, crystalline compound used in silvering mirrors, in making baking powders, as a laxative, and in electronics.
rock salt common salt in solid form, occurring in large irregular rocklike masses; natural sodium chloride.
salt cake impure sodium sulfate, used in the manufacture of paper pulps, soaps, detergents, dyes, and ceramic glazes.
salt dome a domelike structure produced in geologic strata by the intrusion of salt, often indicative of oil or gas deposits.
salt grass any of various grasses that grow in salt marshes or alkaline soil.
Salt Lake City the capital of Utah.
salt lick a natural deposit of salt that animals lick to obtain sodium.
salt marsh lowlands near and often flooded by sea water.
salt pork pork fat with little meat that is taken from the back, sides, or belly of a pig and cured in salt.
salt water water with naturally occurring salt in it, such as the water in an ocean. [2 definitions]
salt-and-pepper flecked black and white, as hair or cloth.
salt-box a style of American house that has two stories in the front and a roof that slopes down over one rear story.
table salt edible, refined salt derived from underground deposits, typically used as a flavor enhancer for food.
the salt of the earth a very good-hearted and decent person or group of people.
with a grain of salt with a somewhat skeptical attitude.
worth one's salt deserving of the wages one receives; competent.