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Multi-word Results
Dutch Belted one of a breed of dairy cattle that have a band of white around the body.
Dutch bob a haircut with bangs and a straight, even cut over the ears.
Dutch boy see "Dutch bob."
Dutch courage (informal) courage as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages.
Dutch cut see "Dutch bob."
Dutch door a door divided into two halves that operate separately so that the top may be opened while the bottom remains closed.
Dutch elm disease a serious disease of elms that causes yellow, wilted leaves, streaked wood, and ultimately the death of the tree.
Dutch metal an alloy of copper and zinc, thin sheets of which resemble gold leaf.
Dutch oven a heavy iron or enamel kettle with an arched lid, for the slow cooking of pot roasts, stews, or other dishes. [3 definitions]
Dutch treat a date or other outing for which each person pays his or her own share.
Dutch uncle (informal) a person who bluntly and severely criticizes or lectures another.
go Dutch (informal) to go on an outing, or order a meal, for which each person pays his or her own share.
in Dutch (informal) in trouble or disfavor.
Pennsylvania Dutch the descendants of German and Swiss immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. [3 definitions]
South African Dutch the descendants of the Dutch colonists in South Africa; Boers. [2 definitions]