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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, adjective, noun
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Parts
part of speech: transitive verb
pronunciation: pr sI p teIt
inflections: precipitates, precipitating, precipitated
definition 1: to cause to occur suddenly or sooner than might have been expected or planned; hasten.
The death of his wife precipitated his own physical decline.
accelerate, hasten, speed
similar words:
expedite, facilitate, prompt, quicken
definition 2: to send, plunge, or cast suddenly or violently
The stock market plunge precipitated the company into ruin.
similar words:
cast, send
definition 3: to cause (moisture) to be transformed from vapor into snow, rain, or the like.
similar words:
definition 4: in chemistry, to separate (solid particles) from the liquid in which they are suspended.
similar words:
break down, deposit, fractionate, separate, settle
part of speech: intransitive verb
pronunciation: pr sI p teIt
definition 1: of solid particles, to separate from the liquid in which they are suspended.
similar words:
separate, settle
definition 2: to change from a vaporous state and fall to the ground as rain, snow, sleet, or the like.
These water molecules in the air will eventually precipitate.
similar words:
drizzle, hail, mist, rain, sleet, snow
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: adjective
pronunciation: pr sIp I tt
definition 1: rash or hasty; impetuous.
It had been a precipitate decision to sell the business, but there was no turning back now.
brash, hasty, headlong, impetuous, pell-mell, rash
similar words:
careless, hotheaded, imprudent, impulsive, madcap, reckless, slapdash
definition 2: moving forward or downward with great speed; greatly hurried.
The plane was forced to make a precipitate landing.
hasty, headlong, precipitous
similar words:
breakneck, hurried, rushed, swift
definition 3: happening unexpectedly or abruptly.
The precipitate visit of the grandparents threw the family into a flurry.
abrupt, sudden, unexpected
similar words:
surprising, unannounced, unlooked-for
part of speech: noun
pronunciation: pr sIp I tt [or] pr sIp tet
definition 1: in chemistry, a solid substance separated from the liquid in which it was suspended.
precipitation, sublimate
similar words:
dregs, lees, sediment, settlings, silt
definition 2: falling condensed moisture, such as rain or snow.
similar words:
drizzle, rain, sleet, snow
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: precipitative (adj.), precipitately (adv.), precipitateness (n.), precipitator (n.)
Word PartsSubscriber feature About this feature