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Word Combinations (verb)
part of speech: verb
definition 1: used to advise another person or yourself to do something, or to express that some action is a good or important thing for someone to do.
You should stay home. You have a fever.I should go to bed earlier tonight.People should eat healthy foods.
definition 2: used to express what you believe or expect will happen based on logic.
They left New York two hours ago, so they should be back here soon.
definition 3: used to express someone's opinion of the correct behavior or state of something, even if it is not what is real.
Children should play outside, not on computers!It's noon. I should be hungry, but I'm not.
definition 4: used to express the possibility of some action happening even though it is not expected to really happen.
I don't expect him to call, but if he should call, tell him I will be back in ten minutes.
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