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Multi-word Results
carpool an arrangement among a group of automobile drivers, such as employees at the same workplace, to take turns driving each other to and from a common destination. [3 definitions]
gene pool the total of all the hereditary characteristics on which a single species draws.
motor pool a group of vehicles maintained for use by the members of a particular business or agency, or a unit of the military.
pool table a billiard table with a pocket at each corner and at the middle of both long sides, on which pool is played.
swimming pool a large man-made tank or pool, usu. concrete and using water-filtering equipment, filled with water and used for swimming.
tidal pool a body of seawater that remains as a rocky pool on the shore when a tide recedes; tide pool.
tide pool a body of seawater that remains as a rocky pool on the shore when a tide recedes; tidal pool.
wading pool a shallow pool of water, esp. a small, plastic, portable unit made for children to play in.