Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
commanding officer a military officer in charge of a unit or installation.
commissioned officer a military or naval officer holding a rank by commission.
executive officer in the military, an officer who is assistant to the commanding officer of a unit, or who is second in command of a unit smaller than a division. [2 definitions]
field officer a military officer with the rank of colonel, lieutenant colonel, or major.
flag officer a naval or coast guard officer above the rank of captain, who is entitled to have a special flag displayed when he or she is aboard ship.
general officer any military officer who ranks above colonel.
noncommissioned officer an enlisted member of the armed forces with an officer's rank below commissioned or warrant officers, such as a sergeant or corporal in the U.S. Army.
officer of the day a military officer assigned, on a given day, to maintain the security and order of a military post or installation.
petty officer a noncommissioned naval officer.
police officer a member of a police force; policeman or policewoman.
probation officer a court-appointed official who supervises persons, including convicts, who are on probation.
staff officer a commissioned military officer who serves on a staff. [2 definitions]
truant officer a school official who investigates students' unauthorized absences.
warrant officer an officer in the U.S. armed forces that ranks above noncommissioned officers and below commissioned officers and holds office on a warrant instead of a commission.