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-lent full of; characterized by.
-ulent characterized by, esp. in quantity; full of; abounding in.
-valent having (such) a valence or valences.
blend to combine (two or more components) so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable in the resulting mixture. [9 definitions]
chalet a house common in the Swiss Alps, having balconies, and wide eaves. [3 definitions]
chant a song, esp. one which is sung on the same note or few notes throughout. [7 definitions]
Chile a South American country on the Pacific coast south of Peru.
chill coldness or cooling off. [16 definitions]
choline a vitamin of the vitamin B complex, found in most animal and vegetable foods.
client one who pays for the services of another, esp. those of a lawyer or other professional. [3 definitions]
coolant an agent used to keep the temperature of a system below a certain level, as by drawing off heat.
lend to give (something) temporarily on the understanding that it will be returned. [4 definitions]
Lent the forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter, observed by Christians as a period of fasting, penitence, and other self-denial.
lent past tense and past participle of lend.
polenta an Italian dish made of cornmeal mush.
relent to become milder, more sympathetic, or more lenient. [2 definitions]
shouldn't contracted form of "should not."
silent making no sound. [6 definitions]
talent a natural ability or aptitude. [4 definitions]
violent acting with extreme force or hostility. [6 definitions]