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Cape Cod a peninsula on the southern coast of Massachusetts. [2 definitions]
captivate to charm or fascinate, as by beauty or wit; enthrall.
captivity the condition of being captive; bondage; imprisonment. [2 definitions]
catfight a bitter quarrel or intense argument between people, esp women. [2 definitions]
catgut a thin, strong cord made of twisted, dried animal intestines, esp. those of sheep, and used for the strings of tennis rackets and certain musical instruments, and as surgical thread.
cockfight a fight, often to the death, between two roosters bred for fighting and often equipped with metal spurs.
coltsfoot a widespread perennial weed, named for the shape of its leaves.
conduct the way one acts; behavior. [10 definitions]
contact the physical touching of one thing to another. [8 definitions]
context the language surrounding a particular usage of a word, phrase, or sentence, or the situation in which the piece of language is used. [2 definitions]
controvert to argue in opposition to.
coopt to take over; preempt; assimilate. [2 definitions]
Copt a native of Egypt who is a descendant of the ancient Egyptians. [2 definitions]
Coptic the Afro-Asiatic language of ancient Egypt now extinct except for ritual use in the Coptic Church. [3 definitions]
copycat (informal) a person who copies the behavior, gestures, or actions of another (used chiefly by children).
corticate having a cortex, as a plant or animal or one of its parts.
Gold Coast an area along the west central coast of Africa that formerly was a British territory and now is part of Ghana.
podcast an audio recording that can be downloaded from the internet, usually consisting of a short talk or program on a particular topic.