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-hedron a solid geometric figure or crystal that has (such) a number or type of surfaces.
baron a nobleman by birth of a particular rank.
boron a chemical element that has five protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds such as boric acid and borax. (symbol: B)
bran the outer layer of wheat and other cereal grains. Bran is left after the grain is ground and the flour or meal is sifted out.
brown the color that comes from mixing red, yellow, and black paint. [3 definitions]
hadron in particle physics, any particle made up of quarks and held together by the strong force.
Hebrew a member of the group of people who descend from the Jewish tribes written about in the Old Testament of the Bible. [3 definitions]
herein in this document, place, or situation.
hereon immediately after this. [2 definitions]
heroin a drug made from a substance found in certain plants. Heroin is addictive and harmful. It is against the law to make, use, or possess heroin in the United States.
heroine a woman who is looked up to for her good character or fine actions. [2 definitions]
heron a wading bird with long legs, a long neck, and a long pointed bill. An egret is a kind of heron.
Herr a German title of respect for men, preceding family names and professional titles, and corresponding to English "Mr." or "Sir".
Huron Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes. It lies between the U.S. state of Michigan and the Canadian province of Ontario. [2 definitions]
Oberon in medieval English folklore and A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, the king of the fairies and the husband of Titania.