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andro- male; masculine; human.
enduro a long race or contest, as for motorcycles or automobiles, that is designed to test endurance.
entero- intestine.
eyebrow the bony ridge protruding above the eye. [2 definitions]
in a row one after another.
inborn present at birth; inherited.
inbred deep-seated as a result of early training, experience, or inheritance. [2 definitions]
inbreed to produce as offspring of closely related individuals. [3 definitions]
intro- inward; into; in.
umbra a shadow or darkened area. [2 definitions]
unable lacking the necessary power, skill, or means; not able; incapable.
unbar to remove the bars from; open or unbolt.
unbidden not commanded, invited, or called for; spontaneous; involuntary.
unborn not yet or never born. [2 definitions]
unbusy combined form of busy.
undraw to draw open or aside, as a drape. [2 definitions]
unfree combined form of free.
unitary of or relating to a unit or units. [5 definitions]
unsure uncertain; having doubt; lacking confidence. [2 definitions]
untrue factually inaccurate or incorrect; false. [3 definitions]