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file clerk one whose job is to keep office files and records in order.
fireflood a procedure designed to increase the flow of oil from an oil well by injecting compressed air into the ground and burning some of the oil.
firefly any of a number of beetles whose abdomens emit a flashing light at night.
fleecy of, made of, covered with, or like fleece.
flesh fly any of various flies that deposit their eggs or larvae in dead or living animal flesh.
fleshly relating to the physical body; physical. [2 definitions]
flier something or someone that flies, esp. a pilot or airplane passenger. [4 definitions]
flimflam (informal) a bit of nonsense; foolery. [3 definitions]
flip-flop a sudden reversal or change of mind, allegiance, or the like. [7 definitions]
fluffy of, made of, or covered with fluff. [2 definitions]
fly1 to move through the air by means of wings. [12 definitions]
flyer variant of flier.
highflier a person, aircraft, or other thing that flies high. [2 definitions]
leaflet a piece of paper, often folded, that contains printed information or advertisements and is usu. distributed free of charge. [3 definitions]
leveler someone or something that levels.
lively full of life or vitality. [6 definitions]