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-zoa used in the scientific names of certain zoological groups.
-zoic of, relating to, or being a geological era characterized by (such) life. [2 definitions]
-zoon an animal organism that can exist and move about independently and that reproduces asexually; zooid.
azo- containing nitrogen.
boo used to express, usu. loudly, disagreement, disapproval, or derision. [5 definitions]
booze (informal) any strong alcoholic drink. [2 definitions]
borzoi one of a breed of dogs originating in Russia, having a tall slender body, narrow head, and long silky hair; Russian wolfhound.
bozo (slang) a guy; fellow. [2 definitions]
coo to make the sound of, or a sound like, the low murmuring call of a dove or pigeon. [4 definitions]
coz (informal) cousin.
cozy comfortably warm and snug, or giving one a warm emotional feeling, often by being small in size yet pleasant. [5 definitions]
doz. abbreviation of "dozen," or "dozens," a unit of quantity equal to twelve.
doze to sleep lightly, for a short time or fitfully. [3 definitions]
dozy inclined to doze; half asleep; drowsy.
kazoo a musical toy consisting of a small tube, one side of which has a hole covered with paper that vibrates when a player sings or hums into the tube, producing a buzzing tone.
moo to utter the long, low sound made by a cow; low. [2 definitions]
ooh used to express pleasure, happy surprise, or amazement. [3 definitions]
ooze1 to seep out gradually and slowly, as liquid, gas, or sound may do. [7 definitions]
ooze2 any particularly soft mud, or an area, such as a marsh, that is soft and muddy. [2 definitions]
oozy1 giving off, or wet with, moisture.