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CCC abbreviation of "Civilian Conservation Corps," the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
Civilian Conservation Corps the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
depression (cap.) the Great Depression, an economic downturn that affected the United States and other countries from 1929 to 1939, causing large-scale unemployment and hardship for millions of people. [1/7 definitions]
Franklin Delano Roosevelt the 32nd President of the United States, who served four terms (1933-1945). Roosevelt initiated sweeping social and economic programs to tackle the Great Depression, was leader of the Allied Powers during World War II, and worked to establish Social Security (b.1882--d.1945).
New Deal the political and economic policies of the administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, focusing primarily on helping the United States recover from the Great Depression.
Works Progress Administration the New Deal program in the U.S. (1935-43) that provided work for the unemployed during the Great Depression (later known as Work Projects Administration).
WPA abbreviation of "Works Progress Administration," the New Deal program in the U.S. (1935-43) that provided work for the unemployed during the Great Depression (later known as Work Projects Administration).