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affluence abundance; plenty. [1/2 definitions]
amplitude fullness or abundance. [1/3 definitions]
aplenty sufficiently enough; in abundance. [1/2 definitions]
basalt a dense, fine-grained, dark-colored igneous rock created by lava flow that is rich in minerals containing magnesium and iron. The most common igneous rock on the Earth's surface due to its high abundance on the ocean floor.
bounty the quality of giving in abundance; generosity. [1/2 definitions]
buyer's market a market or economy in which prices are relatively low because of an abundance of goods or services. (Cf. seller's market.)
Cambrian of, relating to, or designating the geological period at the start of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 600 million to 500 million years ago, when marine animals such as trilobites were in abundance. [1/2 definitions]
Canaan the Promised Land of the Bible, or any land or region of abundance and fulfillment. [1/2 definitions]
cornucopia the mythical horn of a goat that had an endless supply of food; horn of plenty. The cornucopia is used as a symbol of having plenty to eat. [2 definitions]
Devonian of, relating to, or designating the geological period between the Silurian and the Carboniferous of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 400 million to 350 million years ago, when large trees and amphibians appeared and fish were in great abundance. [1/2 definitions]
fleshy having an abundance of flesh or fat. [1/2 definitions]
garner to accumulate, acquire, or receive in abundance. [1/3 definitions]
Goshen a place of ease and abundance. [1/2 definitions]
lavishly in a manner that displays wealth or abundance; luxuriantly.
load to provide things to (someone) in abundance. [1/17 definitions]
lush marked by luxury, abundance, or ornateness. [1/3 definitions]
luxuriant marked by luxury, abundance, or ornateness. [1/3 definitions]
mass spectrometer an instrument used to determine the mass and abundance of charged particles in a prepared beam, by passing it through an electromagnetic field and electronically recording the distribution of particles, often for the purpose of chemical analysis.
multiplicity a large number; abundance; multitude. [1/2 definitions]
opulence wealth; abundance. [1/2 definitions]
plenitude abundance; fullness. [1/2 definitions]