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accidental in music, a note that is raised or lowered by one or two semitones due to the presence of an accidental. [1/5 definitions]
adventitious connected to or arising from something in a nonessential manner; accidental or incidental. [1/2 definitions]
casual occurring by chance; unplanned; accidental. [1/6 definitions]
chance occurring unexpectedly or at random; accidental. [1/7 definitions]
double indemnity a provision in a life or accident insurance policy that twice the face value of the contract will be paid in the event of accidental death.
fluke2 something that is accidental good luck.
fluky (informal) resulting from chance; accidental or lucky. [1/2 definitions]
happen to have the accidental fate, good luck, or misfortune (to be or do something). [1/4 definitions]
leak an accidental opening or crack through which something, esp. a liquid or gas, can pass out or in. [2/10 definitions]
metathesis the accidental or intentional interchange of letters, syllables, or sounds within one word or among words.
safety a locking mechanism, as on a gun, to prevent accidental harm or injury. [1/4 definitions]
safety razor a razor with a detachable blade inserted between guards on the holder that protect against accidental cuts.
serendipity lucky coincidence or accidental discovery of something pleasant or valuable. [1/2 definitions]
tear2 to damage or make a hole in by accidental ripping. [1/7 definitions]