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accuracy the condition of being accurate.
atomic clock an extremely accurate timekeeping device regulated by the reliably constant frequency at which atoms of certain highly reactive substances absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation.
be on to to have an accurate suspicion, theory, or prediction about something. [1/2 definitions]
correct to fix the mistakes in; change to make right. [1/5 definitions]
correction something accurate substituted for something that is erroneous. [1/3 definitions]
deadly very highly accurate. [1/6 definitions]
dead reckoning the calculation of the position of a ship or airplane on the basis of speed, distance, wind speed, and currents, rather than on more accurate astronomical observations.
discriminate to make accurate distinctions. [1/4 definitions]
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform. [1/3 definitions]
evade to avoid giving a full or accurate response to. [1/5 definitions]
exact fully precise, accurate, or correct. [1/4 definitions]
exactly in a correct or accurate way. [1/3 definitions]
faithful staying close to fact; truthful or accurate. [1/2 definitions]
Global Positioning System a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
GPS abbreviation of "Global Positioning System," a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
graphics (used with a sing. verb) the art of making mathematically accurate drawings, esp. in engineering. [1/3 definitions]
homolosine projection a map of the earth's surface, characterized by accurate representation of the continents that results in some distortion of the oceans.
imprecise not exact, accurate, or well-defined; not precise; vague.
incorrect not completely accurate; inexact. [1/3 definitions]
inexact not precise or strictly accurate. [1/2 definitions]
inquiry a process of seeking truth or accurate information. [1/3 definitions]