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arraign to accuse or severely criticize. [1/2 definitions]
cast the first stone to be the first to accuse someone of wrongdoing.
charge to blame for a crime; accuse (often followed by "with"). [1/12 definitions]
criminate to accuse of a crime. [1/3 definitions]
denounce to accuse. [1/2 definitions]
impeach to accuse a person in public office of wrong or improper conduct.
indict to formally accuse (someone) of a crime in a court of law after studying evidence.
railroad (informal) to accuse or convict (someone) unjustly, esp. with inadequate evidence. [1/5 definitions]
redbait (sometimes cap.) to accuse (a person or group) of communist sympathies, esp. falsely.
tax to censure; accuse; charge. [1/6 definitions]