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acid in chemistry, of or pertaining to an acid; acidic. [1/6 definitions]
baking powder a powder containing sodium bicarbonate and an acidic substance, that serves as a leavening agent in baking by releasing carbon dioxide when mixed with water, thereby causing the dough to rise.
bitartrate an acid tartrate having only one of the two acidic hydrogen atoms of tartaric acid.
lime1 any of various forms of calcium oxide, a whitish powder or granular substance used in mortars and cement, making steel and paper, and improving acidic soils. [1/4 definitions]
marl a crumbly earthy deposit composed mostly of clay and calcium carbonate, used to improve acidic soils. [1/2 definitions]
nonacidic combined form of acidic.
orange a spherical fruit with a reddish yellow rind and a sweet, acidic, edible pulp on the inside. [1/5 definitions]
phenol a poisonous white acidic compound found in the tars of wood and coal, or derived from benzene, and used primarily as a disinfectant or antiseptic. [1/2 definitions]
pomegranate a reddish fruit with a tough rind, many seeds, and a juicy, edible, mildly acidic pulp. [1/2 definitions]
subacid somewhat sour or acidic. [1/2 definitions]
tomato a usu. red, pulpy, juicy, slightly acidic edible fruit, typically eaten as a vegetable. [1/2 definitions]
vinegary resembling vinegar in taste or smell; sour or acidic. [1/2 definitions]
yogurt a slightly acidic custardlike food that is made from curdled milk and often flavored or sweetened with fruit.