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acacia a tree that grows in tropical areas of the world, especially in parts of Africa and Australia. The branches of an acacia spread out very wide and evenly across the top. Sometimes the top of the tree looks almost flat.
acetylcholine in biochemistry, the substance produced during nerve conduction that transmits nerve impulses across synapses and causes muscles to move. [1/2 definitions]
aeolian harp a musical instrument consisting of an open box with gut strings stretched across it that produce rising and falling sounds when wind passes over them.
air curtain a draft of compressed air blown continuously across a doorway, usu. downward, to act as a door in maintaining interior temperature.
Amazon the longest river in South America. It flows from the Andes mountains in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean. [1/2 definitions]
Amazon River a major river of South America that flows from the Andes Mountains in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean.
aqueduct a structure like a bridge for carrying a waterway or pipe across a river or valley. [1/2 definitions]
arc of electricity, to leap across a gap between conductors. [1/4 definitions]
aslant crossing at a slant; slantingly across or over. [1/2 definitions]
asteroid a small, rocky, planet-like body that circles the sun and is mostly found between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. The size of an asteroid can vary from very tiny to six hundred miles across.
astride on both sides of; extending over or across; spanning. [1/4 definitions]
athwart across. [1/4 definitions]
Atlas Mountains a range of mountains in northwest Africa stretching across the southwestern part of Morocco and northern parts of Algeria and Tunisia.
badminton a sport in which players use rackets to hit a small rubber object back and forth across a high net.
baldric a belt, often decorated, that is worn over the shoulder and diagonally across the body to carry a sword or bugle.
bangs hair cut straight across the forehead.
banner a newspaper headline, usu. stretching across the page. [1/6 definitions]
bar1 to place a bar across. [1/10 definitions]
bisect to cut across or intersect. [1/2 definitions]
bishop a piece that can be moved diagonally across squares in the game of chess. [1/2 definitions]
boilerplate in journalism, written material created by a news agency or similar business that is typeset and ready to be used across various syndicated publications. [2/5 definitions]