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Dictionary Suite
admittedly by the willing confession, admission, or acknowledgment (of the speaker).
applicant one who applies for something such as a job, college admission, or financial aid.
application a request, usu. written, for admission, employment, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
apply to make an application for admission, employment, or permission. [1/6 definitions]
avowal an open declaration, acknowledgment, or admission.
blackball a negative vote, esp. against a candidate for admission to a social organization. [1/3 definitions]
cancellation the marks or perforations indicating invalidation for reuse, as on a postage stamp or admission ticket. [1/3 definitions]
confessedly by admission; avowedly.
confession the act of confessing; admission; avowal. [1/4 definitions]
coupon a small, printed slip of paper that gives someone a discount, admission to a performance, or a chance to win a prize.
crash1 (informal) to gain admission to (a party or other event) without authorization. [1/17 definitions]
dance hall a usu. public establishment that charges an admission price and provides space, music, and sometimes partners for dancing.
deadhead (informal) a person who uses a free ticket for transportation, admission, or the like; nonpaying customer. [1/5 definitions]
doorbell a bell, buzzer, or other signal at an outside door, as of a house or apartment, sounded to gain admission.
door prize a prize awarded to someone attending a public or social event, based on a lottery drawn from admission tickets or the like.
double feature a movie theater program that offers two feature films for the price of one admission.
enter to gain admission to; enroll. [1/11 definitions]
entrance1 ability or permission to enter; admission. [1/3 definitions]
gate the total admission or receipts at a public event. [1/3 definitions]
general admission a class of admission fee, usu. for open seating or seats not in the reserved sections, as in a theater.
nickelodeon formerly, a movie theater for which the admission charge was a nickel. [1/2 definitions]