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adv. abbreviation of "adverb," in grammar, a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb or adverbial phrase.
adverb a word that describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or whole sentence. When a word is an adverb, it describes how or when or where we do things. Words like "tomorrow," "here," "there," "slowly," and "usually" are adverbs. Adverbs also go in front of other adverbs or adjectives to describe those words.
adverbial of, relating to, or functioning as an adverb.
comparative the form of an adjective or adverb that expresses the idea of comparison. The words "better" and "faster" are comparatives. [1/2 definitions]
dependent clause a clause that is syntactically not a complete sentence and is used typically as an attachment to an independent clause. A dependent clause adds additional meaning to the independent clause and functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
farther to or at a greater distance. "Farther" is a comparative form of the adverb "far." [1/2 definitions]
further at or to a greater distance or extent; farther. "Further" is a comparative form of the adverb "far." [1/4 definitions]
furthest most distant in time or space. "Furthest" is a superlative form of the adverb "far." [1/2 definitions]
inflection change that occurs in the form of words to show a grammatical characteristic such as the tense of a verb, the number of a noun, or the degree of an adjective or adverb. [1/3 definitions]
kinda contraction of "kind of," used in some kinds of writing to reflect how the two words are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech (used as an adverb).
less to a smaller degree or amount. ("Less" is a comparative form of the adverb "little.") [1/6 definitions]
part of speech in grammar, one of the major categories by which words have traditionally been grouped, primarily according to their function, such as adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, noun, preposition, pronoun, and verb, in English.
prepositional phrase in grammar, a phrase that is made up of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers of this object, and that functions as an adjective or adverb, such as "of the people" or "under the bridge".
qualifier in grammar, a word such as an adjective or adverb, or a word group that modifies the meaning of another word or word group; modifier. [1/2 definitions]
relative in grammar, a relative pronoun, adjective, or adverb. [1/6 definitions]
sorta contraction of "sort of" used in some kinds of writing to reflect how the two words are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech (used as an adverb).
split infinitive an infinitive in which a word or group of words, usu. an adverb or adverbial phrase, comes between "to" and its following verb, as in "to easily succeed".
superlative the form of an adjective or adverb that expresses the highest degree of comparison. The words "best," "fastest," and "most beautiful" are superlatives.
verb phrase in grammar, either a phrase that includes a verb with auxiliary verbs, such as "had been crying," or one that includes a verb and adverb, such as "give up".
very used to emphasize an adjective or adverb to make the degree of a quality higher.
well1 in a good, proper, or acceptable way; adverb that expresses the meaning of the adjective good. [1/2 definitions]