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affectionate feeling or showing affection.
affectionless lacking affection.
attention (usu. pl.) acts of politeness, respect, or affection. [1/4 definitions]
babe (informal) darling; sweetheart (used as a term of affection). [1/3 definitions]
bosom the seat of thought, affection, or emotion; heart. [1/7 definitions]
brotherly having or showing affection, kindness, or loyalty.
care for to hold a strong affection for (someone). [1/3 definitions]
caress a soft or gentle touching, often to express affection or love. [3 definitions]
cherish to value with great affection. [1/3 definitions]
cold without feeling or affection. [1/7 definitions]
compliment to display affection or respect by a gift or favor. [1/5 definitions]
courtship the process or period of seeking the affection of someone, esp. for the purpose of marriage. [1/2 definitions]
cuddle to hug and caress with affection and tenderness, usu. while sitting or reclining. [1/3 definitions]
dedicate to address or inscribe (a book or the like) to a particular person as a token of affection or respect. [1/5 definitions]
deprivation the condition or state of not having something that one needs, esp. a thing that all or most people need, such as safety, affection, food, and shelter; privation. [1/3 definitions]
deprived lacking or prevented from having that which is needed, especially such things as food, shelter, education, protection, and affection.
devotion great attachment; strong affection. [1/3 definitions]
disaffect to cause to lose affection for, loyalty to, or contentment in an idea, a person, or an organization such as a government; alienate.
dotage foolish or exaggerated affection. [1/2 definitions]
dote to have or exhibit excessive fondness or affection, esp. for a person (usu. fol. by "on" or "upon"). [1/2 definitions]
endearing inspiring or expressing warm affection.