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affectionate feeling or showing love or affection.
affectionless lacking affection.
attached feeling strong affection for and not wanting to part with.
attention (usu. pl.) acts of politeness, respect, or affection. [1/4 definitions]
babe (informal) darling; sweetheart (used as a term of affection). [1/3 definitions]
bosom the seat of thought, affection, or emotion; heart. [1/7 definitions]
brotherly having or showing affection, kindness, or loyalty.
care for to hold a strong affection for (someone). [1/3 definitions]
caress a soft or gentle touch that shows love or affection. [2 definitions]
cherish to value with great affection. [1/3 definitions]
chuck1 to touch or pat lightly with affection. [1/5 definitions]
cold without feeling or affection. [1/7 definitions]
compliment to display affection or respect by a gift or favor. [1/5 definitions]
courtship the process or period of seeking the affection of someone, esp. for the purpose of marriage. [1/2 definitions]
cuddle to hug and caress with affection and tenderness, usu. while sitting or reclining. [1/3 definitions]
dedicate to formally attach someone's name to something as a token of affection or respect. [1/5 definitions]
demonstrative showing love and affection in an open way.
deprivation the condition or state of not having something that one needs, esp. a thing that all or most people need, such as safety, affection, food, and shelter; privation. [1/3 definitions]
deprived lacking or prevented from having that which is needed, especially such things as food, shelter, education, protection, and affection.
devotion strong affection or loyalty.
disaffect to cause to lose affection for, loyalty to, or contentment in an idea, a person, or an organization such as a government; alienate.