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Dictionary Suite
agility the quality or state of being agile.
goat any of various agile four-legged animals that produce milk, having hollow horns with a backward curve, rough and usu. straight hair, and a short tail. [1/5 definitions]
gull1 any of a variety of web-toed aquatic birds characterized by long pointed wings, agile flight, and mostly gray and white plumage.
lightsome1 nimble; lively; agile. [1/3 definitions]
lissome gracefully agile. [1/2 definitions]
nimble quick and agile in movement. [1/2 definitions]
spry agile and briskly energetic in motion; nimble.
volant moving quickly or deftly; agile. [1/3 definitions]
withy wiry; agile. [1/3 definitions]