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Dictionary Suite
aerobatics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) spectacular stunts, such as rolls, loops, and dives, performed by an airplane or glider.
aeroplane (chiefly British) airplane.
aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
airfare fare for traveling by aircraft, esp. by airplane.
airline a business that offers travel by airplane from one place to another.
airliner a large airplane used to fly people from one place to another.
airmail mail carried by airplane. [2/5 definitions]
airman one who pilots an airplane; aviator; pilot. [1/3 definitions]
air piracy the hijacking of an airplane, helicopter, or the like.
airplane a machine that can fly because of the force of air upon its wings; plane. An airplane is driven by propellers or a jet engine.
armament weapons and supplies used to equip a military unit such as a tank, warship, airplane, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
backwash in aeronautical terminology, air that a propeller, jet engine, or the like pushes toward the rear of an airplane. [1/4 definitions]
bailout the act of parachuting out of an airplane to escape an impending disaster. [1/3 definitions]
bail out (informal) to jump from an airplane with a parachute.
biplane an early type of airplane with two sets of wings mounted one above the other.
buckle up (informal) to fasten one's safety belt, as in a car or airplane.
cabin a room in a ship or airplane. [1/2 definitions]
canopy the cover over an airplane cockpit. [1/5 definitions]
captain the chief officer of a ship or airplane. [1/2 definitions]
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle.
carry-on of luggage, small enough to be stored in the passenger cabin of an airplane. [2 definitions]