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AK abbreviation of "Alaska," a U.S. state on the northwestern coast of North America between the Bering Strait and Canada.
Alaska Standard Time the standard time used in most of Alaska, nine hours behind Greenwich time.
Athabaskan a group of American Indian languages spoken by western tribes from Alaska and northwest Canada down through the coastal regions of Oregon and California. [1/3 definitions]
Bering Sea a northern extension of the Pacific Ocean between Russia and Alaska, north of the Aleutian Islands.
Bering Strait the waterway between Russia and Alaska that connects the Pacific to the Arctic Ocean.
Eskimo (sometimes considered offensive) a member of any of the native peoples of northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and northeastern Siberia; Inuit. [1/2 definitions]
Haida a member of an American Indian tribe of British Columbia and Alaska. [1/2 definitions]
Iditarod an annual dogsled race in the U.S. state of Alaska run along a 1,160-mile route between the cities of Anchorage and Nome.
Inuit a member of a group of native people of North America that inhabit areas from Greenland and eastern Canada to Alaska. [1/3 definitions]
Juneau the capital of Alaska.
Kodiak bear an extremely large brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia.
Nome a U.S. city in northwestern Alaska.
Rocky Mountains the principal North American mountain chain, stretching from Alaska to northern New Mexico; Rockies.
Tlingit a member of any of several North American Indian tribes living in the coastal areas of southern Alaska and northern British Columbia. [1/2 definitions]
United States a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States of America" (usu. prec. by, "the").
United States of America a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States" (usu. prec. by, "the").
U.S. abbreviation of "United States," a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii; United States of America (prec. by, "the").
U.S.A. abbreviation of "United States of America," a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States" (prec. by, "the").
Yukon a river that flows from this territory through central Alaska to the Bering Sea. [1/2 definitions]
Yukon River a river that flows from the Yukon territory in Canada through central Alaska to the Bering Sea.
Yupik a member of an indigenous group of people inhabiting parts of Alaska and Siberia, or a descendant of this group.