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alehouse an establishment where ale is served; tavern.
brew to make (beer or ale) from malt and hops by a process of steeping, boiling, and fermenting. [4/9 definitions]
brewery a building or plant where beer or ale is brewed.
brewing the occupation, business, or activity of a person who makes beer, ale, or the like. [3 definitions]
caudle a warm drink made esp. for the sick, usu. containing wine or ale, bread, sugar, eggs, and spices.
ginger beer a carbonated drink similar to ginger ale but flavored with fermented ginger.
horse's neck a drink of ginger ale with soda water and sometimes liquor.
malt barley that is allowed to sprout, then used to make beer and ale.
malt liquor fermented beer or ale made from malt.
mull2 to heat (cider, wine, or ale) with added spices and sometimes sweetening.
nog2 a strong British ale. [1/2 definitions]
noggin a unit of capacity equal to a gill, one fourth of a pint, or 1.183 deciliters, used esp. for measuring ale or liquor. [1/4 definitions]
on tap ready to be served from a cask, as beer or ale. [1/2 definitions]
porter2 a dark malt ale whose color is achieved by drying the malt at a high temperature.
posset a hot drink of spiced and sweetened milk curdled with wine or ale.
stout a dark strong ale or beer. [1/6 definitions]
tankard a large drinking mug with one handle and often a hinged cover, used esp. for beer and ale.
toby (sometimes cap.) a stout drinking mug in the form of a man's head and face, used esp. for ale or beer.
wassail the drink, such as spiced ale, offered or consumed with this toast or salutation. [1/4 definitions]
Welsh rabbit a dish of melted cheese, often mixed with ale or beer, milk, and spices, and served hot on toast or crackers; rarebit.