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Dictionary Suite
agile quick in mind; sharp; alert. [1/2 definitions]
APB a general bulletin or alert sent to many law-enforcement agencies; all-points bulletin.
awake very aware; alert. [1/5 definitions]
bleary-eyed not alert; not perceptive. [1/2 definitions]
bolt upright in a stiff, highly alert position.
caffeine a bitter substance found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some sodas. Caffeine stimulates the heart and nervous system and can cause a person to stay awake and alert.
caution close attention and care; the act of being careful and alert. [1/3 definitions]
clearheaded possessing an alert, perceptive, wide-awake mind.
comatose not alert or lively; lethargic. [1/2 definitions]
flag1 to signal or alert, esp. to stop, using or as if using a flag (sometimes fol. by "down"). [1/3 definitions]
fore2 in golf, used as a warning to alert those who may be in the path of a golf ball that is about to be driven.
have one's wits about one to stay alert and watchful.
heads-up displaying quick thinking or resourcefulness; alert; resourceful. [1/3 definitions]
hyperalert combined form of alert.
keep one's wits about one to stay alert and watchful.
live wire (informal) a lively, alert, and energetic person. [1/2 definitions]
observant watching carefully; alert; attentive. [1/2 definitions]
on guard alert and prepared.
on one's toes (informal) alert and ready to act.
on the ball alert to one's surroundings; aware. [1/2 definitions]
on the qui vive on the lookout; alert; watchful.