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agree to be alike; match. [1/5 definitions]
akin similar in kind or spirit; alike. [1/2 definitions]
allied related or alike in nature. [1/2 definitions]
close nearly alike or nearly even. [1/23 definitions]
cluster a small, close group of things that are alike. [1/2 definitions]
color-blind treating others alike, without thinking about their skin color. [1/2 definitions]
compare apples to oranges to liken two things that make no sense to be likened because they are not alike all.
different not the same; not alike. [1/2 definitions]
dissimilar not alike; different.
duplicate made exactly alike. [1/4 definitions]
identical alike in almost every aspect; very similar. [2/3 definitions]
iso- equal; alike.
master key a key that will open all the locks in a given set, though the keys to these locks are not alike.
match2 to bring together because of being equal or the same. [1/3 definitions]
of a piece of the same kind; practically alike; consistent.
pack1 a group of animals that are alike and stay together naturally. [1/9 definitions]
pair two things that are alike and meant to be used together. [1/5 definitions]
parallel alike in certain ways; similar. [1/5 definitions]
quadruplicate a collection of four things, such as copies, that are exactly alike (usu. prec. by "in"). [2/5 definitions]
quintuplicate a collection of five things that are exactly alike (usu. prec. by "in"). [2/5 definitions]
resemblance the condition of being or looking alike.