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Dictionary Suite
animate alive; living. [1/6 definitions]
animated able to move as though alive. [1/3 definitions]
bioscopy the medical examination of a body to establish whether it is dead or alive.
breathe to be alive. [1/10 definitions]
breathing inhaling and exhaling; living; alive. [1/3 definitions]
come to life to seem alive or resemble something alive. [1/3 definitions]
dead no longer alive.
deceased no longer alive; dead. [1/2 definitions]
exist to be alive; live. [1/3 definitions]
existence the condition of being alive or real.
extinct no longer alive or active, as a volcano or fire. [1/3 definitions]
fresh feeling new and alive. [1/7 definitions]
grow to stay alive and healthy. [1/5 definitions]
in the flesh alive and present in person.
joie de vivre joy of living (French); the intense pleasure one takes from being alive.
life the thing that is in humans, animals, and plants that allows them to grow and to produce more creatures like themselves. Things like rocks do not have life. [2/3 definitions]
life-support system a system of equipment, esp. in a hospital, that keeps a person alive when he or she might otherwise die. [2 definitions]
live1 to be alive; be in an active state. [1/3 definitions]
live2 being alive; having life. [1/3 definitions]
living alive at this time. [1/6 definitions]
nurse to keep alive or active by dwelling upon. [1/11 definitions]